How to Tell When it is Time to Repot Your Plant


The beautiful language of plants is not as foreign as we think. Sure they are another species, but a little a patience, love and kindness can go a long way when trying to understand what it is our plants need.

It can be tricky to tell when a plant has outgrown it’s pot, especially since a lot of the action takes place below the soil surface. Pay attention to these five signs that your houseplant is ready to upgrade its pad.

  1. endlessly dry potting mix

    If you continue to water your plant and the soil doesn’t hold any water (aka basically pouring water through the drainage holes) then it is a definite sign an upgrade is needed. In most cases, the roots have taken up much of the underground space pushing away soil - an essential medium for nutrients.

2. VISIBLE roots

Peaking roots at the bottom of a planter is a plant yelling for a bigger home. This can be trickier to tell, depending on the type of planter. If you think it may be time, use a slim tool on the inside edge of a planter to gauge the root status. Roots that are pushing up, out of the planter are also an indication it is time for a bigger planter.



3. stopped/super-slowed growth

Sometimes plants take natural breaks from growing and this is normal. But if plants are too confined in their space, they won’t have the energy to grow. This is most important to notice during key growing periods of spring and summer. If you notice this happening, repot and give the plant a few weeks to get accustomed.



4. top-heavy plant

If the pot to plant ratio is 1:3 or the plant is above ground 3 times the pot space, then it is time to repot. As with all things nature, balance is key.



5. overall unhappy plant

Discoloration, wilting, drooping or a never-ending sadness are a few signs a plant is not doing its best. If you are giving the proper care, there is no reason for a plant to be unhappy- they live to be happy! However if you are finding even in an ideal environments and great care, your plant is still struggling, it could be due to the pot. This can especially be the case if you recently repotted the plant in an older pot that housed plants before. It is key to disinfect!




before the summer ends- repot your plantys that have outgrown their home!

happy houseplanting!
