How to Create the Perfect Environment for Houseplants to Thrive


More than two-thirds of Earth’s plant life comes from the rainforest and likely several of your houseplants call tropics their native home.

Although we try adjusting temperature and other variables, the great indoors struggles to mimic the hot, humid and always-raining characteristics of where these plants typically flourish.

© anderson ashbaugh

© anderson ashbaugh


However, there’s a secret to creating the perfect environment for houseplants to thrive: humidity.

© anderson ashbaugh

© anderson ashbaugh

Why is humidity essential for healthy houseplants? Because houseplants are (likely) potted, the available nutrients found in the soil are inherently constricted. When surrounding air is dry, the pores through which plants breathe dry up and the plant loses its moisture.


Help your plant friends BY RECREATING their ideal climate and watch them flourish like you’ve never seen before!

© anderson ashbaugh

© anderson ashbaugh

1. Invest in a humidifier. If you want your plants to thrive, it is worth investing in a humidifier. Plus, the benefits are well worth it for us humans, too! You can find one for anywhere between $30-$300. Check out the humidifiers below >

2. Gather your ‘high moisture’ plants, which can be identified by its leaf: the thinner the leaf, the greater the need for moisture.

3. Place plants into shower, enclosed tub or small room with humidifier. Safely power humidifier to 70-90 F and close door. Leave for 2-3 hours and repeat 2-3 times a week.

© anderson ashbaugh

© anderson ashbaugh

© anderson ashbaugh

© anderson ashbaugh

© anderson ashbaugh

© anderson ashbaugh

© anderson ashbaugh

© anderson ashbaugh


Just 30 mins of this micro-climate will perk leaves up, brighten colors and add bounce and health in every way. YAY!

