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jan 7 22 | plant magic

She became a focal point for my plant blog and was my pride and joy as a plant mom.

An appreciation of the ever-abundant magic of plant intelligence and rebirth.

My first houseplant was a Snake Plant. She was low-maintenance, not just surviving but thriving in my dungeon-like flat in Boston. Since, my affinity for greenery has never swayed. It wasn’t really until moving back home to Los Angeles, I started to explore beyond the usual suspects of houseplants you find at your local Trader Joes or Home Depot. I was ready to level-up my plant game to the rare, funky and exotic.

When I first saw a Begonia Maculata on Pinterest, I remember being in awe. Long and somewhat squiggly leaves painted with white dots and a burgundy underbelly, she was something from another galaxy. Naturally, it was the first funky plant I seeked out on Etsy.

When the Begonia (I called her Baby B) arrived, she had three healthy, bright green leaves. I potted her and let her do her thing.

Aug 2020

As soon as she was about a foot and half tall, plant tragedy struck: root rot.

Her leaves began to wither while her stems continued to grow. I tried to resuscitate in every way I could, but nothing would give. Every time a baby leaf would peak out and start to unfurl, it would fall off. She was trying with all her might to keep growing, but her struggle was too real.

Just one month after the initial water propagation, a tiny leaf begin to sprout from the wilted cutting.

In two months, two beautiful bright green leaves arrived.

By the third month, perhaps the most magical miracle of all showed up- a baby micro leaf sprouted from the bottom of the stem underwater. In both jars!

Baby micro leaf- welcome!

It wasn’t long before she started to take off. In just a matter of months, her leaves multiplied and she grew tall- just as her family cane-stemmed plants do.

Sept 2020

Fall 2021 - A sad, leafless Baby B

In a last-stitch effort, I made the decision to cut her remaining leaves and put them in two separate jars of water. There was nothing to lose, only hope to gain.

A beautiful reminder in the power in nature to always find her way. A reminder of hope, patience and love. That change is a powerful tool for healing and rebirth.

I am so grateful for the reminder that magic is always around. That even when times seem tough or we are at loss, there is always a way through, and perhaps an even better way than before.