space veggie

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Clever Small Space Solutions to Bring More Green in

A dream of mine is to literally live in an indoor jungle. I would love a room dedicated entirely to plants. But the reality is we live in a 1,000 sq. ft 1 bedroom apartment. I don’t think Alex would be very happy with me if I turned our bedroom into a greenhouse (I get it.)

In this day and age, more of us are living in smaller spaces and bringing more green in. As our plant families grow (both in size and quantity) getting creative is a must in order to maximize our space.

The key is to explore every square inch and put plants to work!

© Modern Sprout

Maximize your living space with these clever plant hacks!

  1. Think VERTICAlly

    All it takes is getting a little clever with your plant curation. Guide climbing vines such as pothos, ivy, philodendron and jasmine up the wall with nails and hooks. Utilize every space in your home and get creative with grow lights and other tools to ensure plant needs are met.

© Superbloom

2. elevate

Literally elevate your plant game by building your own DIY plant display. Maximize existing structures such as beams and window rods by hanging plants from them. Every space counts!!

© Superbloom

3. integrated furniture

Save on floor space by either purchasing integrated plant furniture or making your own! Look for multifunctional pieces and get clever with how you display your plants. Wrap vines up table legs and other structures and play with integrated grow lights.

© Superbloom

4. bathroom oasis

Transform your bathroom into a wellness oasis. Take advantage of this ideal environment where humidity-loving plants can thrive. Hide aesthetically displeasing and unwanted aspects of the room such as under the sink and toilet pipes.

© Superbloom

5. edible kitchen

Maximize your kitchen space and put edible plants like herbs, microgreens and other veggies to work. Experiment with container gardening and hydroponics as a soil-free means of growing. Consider the use of grow lights in low-light kitchen spots such as under counters or above refrigerators.

© Superbloom

6. Get fruity

Portable dwarf size fruit trees are an amazing 2-in-1 solution for beauty and bounty. Lemon, avocado, fig and olive are just a few types of fruiting trees that come in a dwarf size, making it an ideal plant for a small space. Invest in a caddy that allows for portability and movement outside (if you can) or near a bright spot during the spring and summer months.

7. Reduce, reuse, recycle, regrow!

Regrowing plants through a propagation method is just as fun as it is great for the earth. This practical method is money-saving and aids in reducing food waste. Save veggie cuttings such as carrots, celery, onions and lettuce and watch the scraps magically regrow in water. Very little space is required for water propagation and allows for lovely greenery even in lower light conditions.

© Superbloom

Hope you enjoy these little life hacks so you can start to transform your living space into an indoor jungle! Happy houseplanting!